12 Days of Christmas Movements

12 Days of Christmas Movements

As the Christmas holidays are nearing and the festivities are beginning, lots of you are
getting prepared for Christmas by decorating the tree, busy on the computers ordering your
loved ones gifts and stocking the fridge full of festive goodies, but one thing that can tend to
fall to the back of our minds is YOUR BODIES aches and pains!!

So, enjoy our merry healthy Christmas movements that could help YOU and YOUR body in
the lead up to Christmas.
“On the twelfth day of Christmas Megan the Chiropractor gave to me…”
12. Cat cow poses
(on hands and knee and tuck your tummy in and arch your back up then down).
11. Shoulder circle shrugs
(Bring your shoulders around in a circle in a clockwise and anticlockwise motion).
10 Second plank
(at a level that is comfortable/ challenging enough for you! And let us know by joining in with our
plank challenge for MIND charity or help by donating).
9. Upper back rotations – each side
(sat on a chair, put both hands outstretched Infront, pull one arm back against yourself and then
stretch that arm backwards so you have made a straight line with your hands)
8. Side head tilts
(Tilt your head to the side until you can feel a light stretch to the side of your neck).
7. Ab toe taps
(lay on your back with knees bent. Lift one leg at a time and tap your toe on the ground whilst tucking
your belly button in keeping your back flat on the ground)
6. Knee to chest holds
(laying on your back and bringing your knees to your chest- HOLD and BREATH).
5. Bottom to chair taps -with hold
(gentle squats from standing and tapping your bottom on the chair and holding this position without
sitting on the chair- then back up).
4. Lunges -each leg.
(on one knee and push your hips forwards square to your shoulders)
3. Hip Thrusts
(lay on your back with your feet planted on the ground. Slowly and gently lift your hips off the floor
and hold).
2. Child’s pose’s
(on your hands and knees and push your weight backwards over your ankles- keep hands on the
And a healthier happier ME!!
*We recommend consulting with one of our practitioners before attempting these merry movements as
these are with the intention of helping with general aches and pains and not for specific conditions. The
most effective way of treating your aches and pains is by having an initial consultation with one of our
practitioners to understand the cause of your pain.

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