
Knee Osteoarthritis

Have your knees started clicking and popping, become painful, swollen or tender, and are stiff first thing in ...

Dry Needling Masterclass: Occipital Neuralgia

Dry Needling Masterclass Series;  Welcome to our weekly dry needling masterclass series. If you are not familiar with ...


I've heard of lymph and the lymphatic system but what actually is it? Why is it currently in ...


Many guests are surprised to learn that we can treat your jaw and face pain here at The ...

The 7 Types of Rest that Every Person Needs

When we think about Rest, the first thing that usually springs to mind is Sleep But Rest is ...

Do You Struggle With Knee Osteoarthritis?

Knee Osteoarthritis Have your knees started clicking and popping, become painful, swollen or tender, and are stiff first ...

Combining Chiropractic Care and Massage Therapy

Chiropractic treatment and massage therapy work very well together. Chiropractors can work wonders on rebalancing the alignment of ...

Looking After Your Body this Winter!

  When Christmas comes around, people often prioritise other family and friends rather than themselves! It is not ...

Nutritious Facts about your Christmas Food!

During the festive period we always punish ourselves for over-eating and consuming unhealthy foods. We should always eat ...

Staying Hydrated this Festive Season!

  As we come towards Christmas, we find ourselves reaching for hot caffeinated drinks and staying away from ...

What is Kinesiology Taping and how does it work?

Kinesiology tape is a type of stretchy tape applied to the surface of the skin to protect the ...

Taking Care of Yourself During Exam Time

Exam seasons are stressful because of the overwhelming workload students are given, and the task of handling multiple ...

12 Days of Christmas

Here are your twelve days of Christmas stretches to help over the festive period. We have put together ...

Christmas Tips

With Christmas approaching you will not doubt all be busy at this time of year preparing for the ...


What is relaxation? Relaxation is an acquired skill which improves every time it is practised. It is worth ...

Benefits Of Strength Training

Don’t be put off by Strength training, it’s not just about bodybuilding lifting weights in a Gym, it ...

How to Prevent Gardening Injuries

As a nation, we love our gardens and spend a considerable amount of time and money on them. ...

Pregnancy Massage & How Can It Help Me?

Pregnancy massage is a must for mums to be. It has many benefits for mum and baby,  It ...

Food Glorious Food

Everybody loves food, everybody needs food. But how much do you really know about what the food we ...

How to Keep Healthy and Motivated this January

If you made a new year's resolution, the chances are you've already broken it. You may have told ...

Great Tips for A Healthy Winter

        Follow these important tips for a healthy happy winter! Eat A Healthy diet. Maintaining ...

Why Does The Weather Affect My Condition?

  We have all heard how a change in weather can cause a change in all types of ...

Not Just A Headache – Migraine Awareness Month at HVC

Migraine Awareness Month -  #NotjustaHeadache The World Health Organisation (WHO) ranks migraine as the 6th highest cause worldwide ...

Great Tips For Symptoms Of The Menopause

Menopause/the change is an unavoidable natural part of life that every woman must go through. Some woman are ...